Team Essential

Team Essential

We are a group of people passionate about living healthy through good nutrition and finding natural remedies to sickness and allergies.
Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:42


Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:32

Ajowan Seed Essential Oil

Ajowan Seed Essential Oil is also known as Ajwain Essential Oil. 

See our listing for Ajwain Essential Oil for more information.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:31

Balsam of Peru Essential Oil

Balsam of Peru Essential Oil

Myroxylon balsamum

Known Uses

Balsam of Peru Essential Oil can stimulate the immune system and help to eliminate free radicals from the body, which in turn can prevent the development of chronic diseases, even cancer. Its ingredients have been shown to eliminate germs and bacteria. Topical application can form a protective layer to the skin and is widely used in the prevention and treatment of scabies, which are caused by mites.

When diffused in aromatherapy, Balsam of Peru Essential Oil can stimulate the lungs to expel phlegm and clear congestion from the respiratory tract. It also has been used in aromatherapy for relief from anxiety and stress. As an anti-inflammatory it can heal hemorrhoids, and improve heart health.

The topical application of Balsam of Peru Oil can heal wounds and aching joints as well as lower blood pressure. When mixed with water, it can be used as a shampoo to eliminate dead skin cells and cleanse the scalp. By inducing urination, Balsam of Peru Essential Oil acts as a diuretic, flushing out toxins, waste, and excess water and fat, keeping the kidneys healthy.


Balsam of Peru Essential Oil’s origin is from the Balsam Coast where El Salvador meets the Pacific Ocean. However its name is somewhat misleading. In the past, it was transported by land from El Salvador to coastal cities of Peru. Then, under the seal of the viceroy of Peru, the balsam was shipped to other countries; thus, the misconception of its origin.

The historical uses of Balsam of Peru date as far back as the Mayan culture where it was used as incense for medicinal purposes. Sixteenth century popes sanctioned the substitution of Balsam of Peru for the much harder to find Mecca balsam for ceremonial incense use as well as for anointing oils. In folklore, Balsam of Peru oil was thought to attract wealth and happiness, and promote creativity.


Balsam of Peru Essential Oil is one of the most allergenic essential oils. Negative reactions have been experienced from skin irritation to blisters, watery eyes, and general discomfort. Speak to a medical professional before using Balsam of Peru Essential Oil. Dilute with a carrier oil and do a patch test before using topically. Balsam of Peru Essential Oil is not intended for internal use.

shop rocky mountain oils

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:31

Basil Essential Oil

Basil Essential Oil

Ocimum basilicum (basil) is native to Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Diffuse or dilute with a carrier oil.

Known Uses

Basil oil is used to treat nausea, motion sickness and indigestion. It aids in digestion treating flatulence, indigestion, and constipation. It is effective in relieving fevers, whooping cough, colds, asthma, bronchitis, and sinis infections. Its antibacterial properties treat a variety of infections including cuts, wounds, and even bladder infections. The use of basil oil strengthens emotional and mental clarity, helping to relieve depression, migraines, and mental fatigue. As an analgesic, basil oil relieves itching from bug bites (especially bee and wasp stings) as well as pain from bruises, burns, sprains, and arthritis.


Basil has many helpful properties apart from the common use in many Italian foods. It is known as St. Joseph's Wort, the king of herbs, and the royal herb. It's name is derived from the Greek basilikon meaning royal or kingly plant. It has been cultivated in India for over 5,000 years and is sacred to the Hindu faith. Ancient Greeks were also familiar with the plant. Today it is popular in Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean region.


Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding or on children under 16 years old. Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. May irritate sensitive skin.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:31

Bay Rum Essential Oil

Bay Rum Essential Oil

Pimenta racemosa

Also known as Bay Essential Oil

Known Uses

The antiseptic property of Bay Essential Oil can protect wounds from infections such as Septic or Tetanus and inhibits the growth of microbes, bacteria and fungi. Bay Essential Oil can also reduce pain, and is particularly effective in pain resulting from coughs and colds, viral infections, influenza, and sprains. It further acts as a sedative to relieve nervous afflictions like epilepsy, hysteria, convulsions, anxiety, stress, depression, anger etc. and relieves the spasms that cause cramps, coughs, aches, diarrhea, and convulsions. Bay Essential Oil promotes perspiration, facilitating in the removal of toxins, excess salt, water, and fat from the body. Perspiration also brings down body temperature in the case of fever.

As an astringent, Bay Essential Oil can induce contractions in muscles and tissues. It strengthens the grip of gums on teeth, pulls up the sagging skin and muscles, strengthens the hold of the scalp on hair roots, and induces contractions in the blood vessels, thus helping to stop hemorrhaging. Bay Essential Oil is also effective in regulating menstruation and eases pain and other complaints associated with it.

Bay Oil promotes the discharge of bile into the stomach, helping to maintain the acid balance. It helps regulate hormones, enzymes, and the nervous system, increasing alertness. Bay Oil can also be used in sprays, vaporizers, and in various other ways to keep insects away.

We know now that Bay Rum Oil is great for your hair, skin, and beard. Bay Rum Oil has been used for a long time to aid in hair growth. The ingredients in Bay Rum Oil stimulate the skin and scalp, producing more hair and resulting in a thicker, fuller beard. Bay Rum Oil helps to ‘de-stress’ your skin and is frequently found in after-shave lotions. It prevents the occurrence of wrinkles and is used to relieve cuts and bruises. Bay Rum Oil also has antifungal and anti-bacterial properties, which can cure skin infections. Bay Rum Essential Oil can also be an efficient anti-depressant as the scent is so pleasant, even a small amount has been found to give a sense of wellbeing.


The Bay tree is native to the Caribbean Islands from where it is believed to have spread to other parts of the world. Bay Oil held an important place in Ancient Rome and Greece in their religion, culture, and in their medicines. Sailors started rubbing the leaves of the bay trees of the West Indies on their skin to combat the body odor that sailors suffered from being on a ship for months at a time. They discovered that dipping the Bay leaves in rum brought out the oils of the Bay leaves much more efficiently. It was given the name Bay Rum Oil and became the deodorant and cologne for early sailors. Alcohol is still used to extract the bay leave’s oils but is then distilled down into an essential oil. Today, Bay Essential Oil it is harvested mostly in Morocco and Spain.


Due to the presence of high concentrations of eugenol, this oil can cause irritations on the skin and mucus membranes. Dilute Bay Oil with a carrier oil to test for any allergic reaction. It should be avoided during pregnancy.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:31

Bergamot FCF Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil FCF

Citrus bergamia

Bergamot Essential Oil that is labeled FCF (furocoumarins-free) designates that it is a rectified essential oil. Furocoumarins may have phototoxic effects on the skin. Therefore, in order to guarantee safety, bergapten and other phototoxic components of Bergamot Essential Oil should be removed, resulting in a furocoumarin-free (FCF) Bergamot Essential Oil. Currently, there is a furocoumarins-free (FCF) Bergamot Essential Oil available in preparations for topical use, but is extremely difficult to find.

Known Uses

Bergamot Essential Oil and FCF Bergamot Essential Oil Components of Bergamot Oil are antibiotic and disinfectant in nature. They prevent the growth of germs, virus and fungi. It effectively restricts infections, including those of the skin. It is said to cure infections of the colon, intestines, urinary tract and kidneys. It promotes fast healing of wounds, cracks on the skin and heels, ulcers, eczema, and itching, and also protects wounds from becoming septic and developing deadly tetanus.

Bergamot Essential Oil reduces pain from headaches, sprains, and muscle aches. It is used in vaporizers to relieve congestion and loosens phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract. Researchers believe it may be able to eliminate the formation of gallstones, protect against colic, halitosis, bronchitis and diphtheria.

Bergamot Essential Oil soothes nerves and reduces anxiety and stress, high blood pressure, insomnia, and depression. It also stimulates certain hormones, which induce feelings of relaxation and sedation, like dopamine and serotonin. Bergamot Essential Oil helps digestion and regulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines, making bowel movements more regular. It can reduce fever by stimulating perspiration; it kills worms, and can be applied to infected teeth or used as a mouthwash. It relaxes nerves and muscles, and gives quick relief from cramps, convulsions, and painful muscle contractions and aids people with chronic cough or asthma.

Bergamot Essential Oil is helps scars and other marks on the skin disappear. It also makes the distribution of pigments and melanin even and uniform. Bergamot Essential Oil is an excellent deodorant and is often used in room fresheners and sprays.


Although Bergamot Oil is native to tropical Asia, it is now cultivated in Southern Italy in the Calabria region as a result of mutations from other species. Alternatively, it may originate from Antilles, Greece, and the Canary Islands, from where Christopher Columbus imported it. The name “bergamot” seems to be derived from Berga, the Spanish city from which the plant was transported. Today, the trees are cultivated almost exclusively along the southern coast of the Calabria region where more than 90% of the world’s Bergamot Essential Oil is produced. However, small numbers of Bergamot plants grow in other countries, such as Greece, Morocco, Iran, the Ivory Coast, Argentina, and Brazil.


Unless the Bergamot Essential Oil is labeled furocoumarins-free (FCF), it must be protected from sunlight, because bergaptene, one of its components, becomes poisonous if exposed to sunlight. It should always be stored in dark bottles in dark places. Exposure to sunlight should even be avoided after it is applied or rubbed onto the skin until it is fully absorbed. It should be diluted when used topically or used in a diffuser. Bergamot Essential Oil contains furocoumarins, which may have phototoxic effects on the skin.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:30

Black Cumin Essential Oil

Black Cumin Essential Oil

Nigella sativa (more commonly known as Black Seed Essential Oil)

Also called: Black Caraway, Black Sesame, Onion Seed, and Roman Coriander

(If the oil isn’t extracted, processed or packaged correctly, it can easily go rancid. It is important that the oil is stored in a dark, glass bottle, preferably Miron glass.).

Known Uses

Black Seed Essential Oil is best known for its effects on cancer, liver health, diabetes, weight loss, hair loss, and skin healing. Researchers have found that two phytochemicals in Black Seed Oil can decrease tumor cells by 52%. Other researchers discovered that Black Seed Oil benefits the function of the liver and helps prevent both damage and disease. And, researchers believe that Nigella sativa (black seed oil) is one of the few substances in the world that can help prevent both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

In addition, Black Seed Essential Oil has natural, effective anti-obesity properties to aid in weight loss, and also has the ability to help restore hair loss. Its powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties strengthens hair follicles and can help promote strong hair roots, as well as deliver profound healing to the skin.

Researchers tested several strains of the drug-resistant MRSA and discovered that each one was sensitive to Nigella sativa, demonstrating that black seed oil can help slow down or stop MRSA from spreading out of control. The testing of Black Seed Oil continues on multi-resistant bacteria called “superbugs”. Fungus and molds cannot exist in the presence Black Seed Oil. Out of the “superbugs” tested, 67% were slowed down or stopped by Black Cumin Essential Oil that contains the natural chemicals thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ) and thymol.

Thymoquinone (TQ) was the best antifungal against yeasts and dermatophytes (a pathogenic fungus that grows on skin, mucous membranes, hair, nails, and other body surfaces, causing ringworm and related diseases) and thymol was the best antifungal against molds.

Historically, Black Seed Oil has been used for headaches, toothaches, nasal congestion and intestinal worms. It has also been used for conjunctivitis, abscesses and parasites.

Today, Black Seed Oil is used for treating digestive tract conditions such as flatulence, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, and hemorrhoids. It is also used to treat respiratory illnesses such as asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis, emphysema, flu, swine flu, and congestion. It is also considered useful in lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and boosting the immune system. Women have used Black Seed Oil for birth control, to start menstruation, and to increase milk flow. It can be applied directly to the skin for joint pain, rheumatism, and headaches.


The Nigella Sativa plant is native to Asia. People have used its seeds to make medicine for over 2000 years. It was even discovered in the tomb of King Tut. Cleopatra reportedly used Black Cumin Seed Oil for beautiful hair and skin and Hippocrates was fond of using it for digestive troubles.


Black seed oil can cause allergic rashes when applied to the skin. Be sure to dilute with a carrier to perform a patch test to test for allergic reactions.

Taking large medicinal amounts of Black Seed Oil during Pregnancy and breast-feeding may not be safe. Consult a health care provider before using. Black Seed Oil can slow down or stop the uterus from contracting.

Black Seed Oil might slow blood-clotting making bleeding disorders worse. Black Seed Oil might lower blood sugar levels in some people. Watch for signs of low blood sugar and monitor your blood sugar carefully.

Black Seed Oil might lower blood pressure. Be sure to monitor your blood pressure carefully while using this oil if you have low blood pressure.

Because Black Seed Oil might slow blood clotting, reduce blood sugar, and increase sleepiness in some people, it might increase the risk for bleeding and interfere with blood sugar control and anesthesia during and after surgical procedures. Stop using black seed at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Application Methods

Can be applied directly to skin for topical applications. It is beneficial for burns, psoriasis and other skin disorders. A small amount can be added to face and body creams for beautifying the skin.

For internal use, most health experts and natural physicians recommend taking one teaspoon of the oil two times per day for therapeutic effects (on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime). Or, it can be taken once per day for a maintenance dose or as a preventative measure. You can take the oil on its own, mixed in water or juice, or it can be added to warm tea.

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Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:30

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Piper nigrum is native to southern Asia.

For external and internal use. Diffuse, inhale, or dilute carrier oil for topical application.

Blends well with Peppermint, Wintergreen or Clove.

Known Uses

Black pepper essential oil is very beneficial to the digestive system, stimulating stomach acids, salivary glands, and bile excretions. It is a safe spice even for those who are unable to eat other peppers.

Black pepper oil can bring relief to muscle cramps and convulsions. It brings release to trapped gas and helps prevent the build up of excess gases in the digestive tract. It cleanses the digestive system and heals infections in the excretory and digestive systems.

As an anti-arthritic and anti-inflamatory, black pepper oil's warming effect stimulates circulation bringing quick relief from rhuematism and arthritis. It also helps to remove toxins from the blood as a diuretic through increased urination and as a diaphoretic through increased perspiration, which also help with these symptoms.

As an antioxidant, black pepper essential oil protects and repairs the body from free radicals dangers. It also delays vision loss, macular degeneration, wrinkles, tightening of joints and muscles, nervous disorders, and memory loss.

Its antibacterial properties protect food for long periods. They also cure mouth infections, UTIs, as well as infections in the colon.

Black pepper oil contains Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), which is great for eye health. It also consists of Vitamin K which benefits bones, muscles, and circulation. It is rich in calcium, potassium and selenium, all of which benefit hair, nails, and bones.


Since prehistoric times, black pepper has been used as a spice in India. From as far back as the 5th century, it was used to treat eye problems. It was used by the Ancient Romans and Greeks as well. Black peppercorns were used in Ancient Egypt as part of the mummification process.

In the Middle Ages many countries fought wars in hopes of achieving a dominance in the lucrative black pepper trade, during which time it was known as "black gold" and used as a form of money.

Today black pepper is widely used as a spice and food flavoring agent.


Considered to be generally safe. If taken in large doses may cause uneasiness, insomnia, restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, inflamed intestines, overheating, and a strong pepper odor. Avoid contact with the eyes and nose, as it may cause irritation, sneezing, and burning.  Avoid during pregnancy due to its possible skin sensitizing and irritation.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:30

Cardamom Essential Oil

Cardamom Essential Oil

Elettaria Cardamomum is native to India and nearby parts of Asia.

For external and internal use. Use with diffuser or dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically.

Blends well with Bergamot, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove, Orange, Rose, and Ylang Ylang.

Known Uses

Cardamom essential oil is highly effective in relieving respiratory spasms and muscle cramps, including asthma, whooping cough and colic.

Diluted with water, cardamom oil is an excellent mouth wash. It has strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which help remove bad breath, heal oral infections, and relieve toothaches.

Cardamom oil stimulates the whole body. It keeps the stomach and digestive system healthy. It induces feelings of well-being that combat depression and helps maintains proper metabolism. It also acts as an aphrodisiac.

Cardamom oil promotes sweating and urination, helping to eliminate toxins from the body and clearing the bowels. It also warms up the body, helping to fight colds, headaches and diarrhea. These benefits helps lower blood pressure, manage weight and cleanse the kidneys of calcium deposits.

This oil also helps to counteract insect bites and the ingestion of mild poisons.


Cardamom has been used for thousands of years. It appears in the Mycenae archives as a flavoring agent or spice. Today it is still used commonly in foods and beverages as well as for medicinal purposes.
Before World War I, Oscar Majus Kloeffer, a German coffee grower, introduced cardamom from India to Guatemala. By 2000, and still today, Guatemala became the largest producer and exporter of cardamom in the world (the second largest being India).


No for use by pregnant or nursing mothers. It is considered generally safe for younger children, but do not use near the face of infants and young children as it may cause breathing troubles. Overdose can result in loose bowels and diarrhea, excessive heating up of the body, and restlessness.

Sunday, 26 June 2016 03:30

Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Daucus carota

(Carrot Seed Essential Oil should not be mistaken for the cheaper macerated carrot oil.)

Also known as “Wild Carrot” or “Queen Anne’s Lace”

Carrot Seed Oil blends well with Bergamot, Juniper Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Avocado, Cedarwood, and Geranium essential oils.

People with a history of epilepsy should not use essential oils in general (especially in aromatherapy), as they can trigger overstimulation, which may lead to serious adverse reactions. Always consult with a health care professional before using.

Known Uses

Carrot Seed Essential Oil is widely used in aromatherapy due to its effectiveness in relieving stress and anxiety. It also acts as a stimulant to keep the mind active and alert. Researchers have shown that it is beneficial in the treatment of some forms of cancer such as those of the mouth, throat, stomach, prostrate, and kidneys. Continuing research and testing of this oil in cancer treatment shows promise.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil is known to alleviate the pain associated with menstruation, helps stimulate the appetite, treats ulcers, improves liver and gall bladder disorders, particularly hepatitis, jaundice, colitis, and enteritis. It stimulates the lymph system, helps women in breast milk production after childbirth, eases hiccups, colic, flatulence, and is helpful in the treatment of kidney stones. It can also eliminate worms in the intestines.

Carrot Seed Oil will nourish, tighten, and rejuvenate the skin, heal abscesses, boils, and other skin disorders. It contains antioxidants that protect your skin from wrinkles, keeps your hair from turning white, your joints from stiffening, your muscles from weakening and your eyesight from declining. It can also protect you from other age-related problems.

This essential oil can cure bacterial infections and prevent tetanus. When topically applied, it can cure infections on the skin and in open wounds. When ingested, it helps to cure infections of the throat, mouth, colon, stomach, liver, intestines and urinary tract. Carrot Seed Oil is extremely effective in curing gangrenous sores, psoriasis, ulcers, rashes, and even carbuncles. It can heal respiratory infections such as the flu, coughs, and colds, and other viral infections such as measles and mumps.

It removes toxins like uric acid, insecticides, pesticides and other dangerous chemicals from the circulatory, digestive and excretory systems. It increases urination, thereby eliminating toxic substances from the body, reducing blood pressure and cleansing the kidneys. It can regulate menstruation and promote the secretion of hormones, enzymes, gastric juices, and bile.


Carrot Seed Essential Oil is mainly obtained from wild carrots, which are usually found in Europe. The name Carrot Seed is derived from the Greek 'Caroton' and it had great medicinal value in ancient times, especially for its ability to relieve flatulence.


Although Carrot Seed Oil is non-toxic, never ingest it during pregnancy. Carrot seed oil can cause bleeding when taken by pregnant women. Carrot seed oil overdose may cause vomiting and convulsions. Consult with a holistic health care provider before using.

While Carrot Seed Essential Oil itself has few side effects when used properly, its parent plant, the wild carrot, has been found to increase the risks of sun sensitivity. Do not go into direct sunlight or until it has thoroughly dried on the skin. It has also been reported to cause hypersensitivity reactions and occupational dermatitis. Perform a patch test on the skin by diluting the Carrot Seed Oil with a carrier oil before topically applying it to test for allergic reaction or skin sensitivity.

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