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Top 10 Essential Oils for Cleaning in 2018

Looking for something nontoxic to disinfect your home? Do you want to go green with your household cleaning? Or, are you just tired of spending so much money on cleaning supplies? Well then, essential oils may be the right choice for you! Essential oils are natural and contain no harmful chemicals like most store-bought cleaners that can cause allergies and sickness. Using essential oils for cleaning is smart because many of them are naturally antiviral and antibacterial, and with their natural scents, they freshen up the place while fighting germs too.

Here is a list of some top essential oils for cleaning:

Top Essential Oils for Cleaning

1. Lemon Essential Oil


Lemon essential oil is antiviral and antibacterial. It is a great degreaser too. In addition, it’s zesty, fruitful scent is often used in cleaners to freshen up the air. Use lemon essential oil to clean floors and countertops or to freshen up the fridge. It’s a first choice for many for a kitchen cleaner. You can also combine lemon essential oil with olive oil to create an effective and refreshing wood and leather polish.

2. Wild Orange Essential Oil

wild orange

Wild Orange essential oil is another great grease fighter. You can use 1-2 drops directly on dishes, floors, and counters to cut grease. It’s citrus scent makes for a wonderful air freshener too.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree essential oil (Melalueca) fights germs, fungus, bacteria and viruses. It is a powerful oil that is great to add to any cleaning regiment. It deters parasites like lice as well as other pests that make their way into the home. It is useful in preventing mold and mildew as an integral component of a daily shower spray. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to hand soap to create an antibacterial wonder-worker.

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Eucalyptus essential oil is another great germ fighter. It has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and kills parasites like dust mites. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the wash cycle of your laundry to get that extra clean from parasites, viruses, and bacteria. You can also make a dry rub for getting rid of dust mites from stuffed animals and mattresses by mixing eucalyptus essential oil with baking soda. This is a wonderful, nontoxic solution for many who suffer from allergies to dust mites.

5. Lavender Essential Oil


Lavender essential oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It also is a choice floral scent often used to freshen up the home. Add 15 drops to 1/2 cup of water or vinegar (or a combination of the two) to create an effective spray for cleaning floors, countertops, and toys that will make your house smell great too.

6. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil has antibacterial, antifugal and antimicrobial properties. It is also known to deter unwanted pests like ants and spiders. In addition, its well-known fragrance is used as a common air freshener. To create an effective air freshener and pest fighter, add 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle and shake well before applying to baseboards and window sills around your home.

7. Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme essential oil is another effective germ fighter. It’s known for being able to kill bacteria like salmonella. It also works as an insect repellent and kills parasites, namely many types of parasitical worms. Add 5-10 drops to your household cleaning solutions for that extra umph against bacteria and other germs.

8. Black Pepper Essential Oil

black pepper

Black Pepper Essential Oil is effective in fighting bacteria, including salmonella. This is a great essential oil to add to your kitchen cleaners as an extra measure of protection against unwanted bacterias.

9. Rosemary Essential Oil


Rosemary essential oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and is also a powerful antiseptic. Its woodsy scent is a popular choice for freshening up your home. You can add drops of rosemary essential oil to dish soap and laundry detergent as well as to your all-purpose cleaner to fight bacteria and create a lingering pleasant aroma throughout your home.

10. Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

Cinnamon Leaf essential oil is powerful against mold. It is antibacterial and antiseptic. It is a great oil for disinfecting bathrooms and kitchens, including door knobs, toilets, countertops, and even cutting boards. In addition, cinnamon leaf oil deters many pests too. Add several drops to your basic cleaning solution for adding fighting power and a delightful, spicy air freshener as well.


Our Favorite All-Purpose Household Cleaner

•  1 cup white vinegar or witch hazel
•  1 cup water
•  2 tsp natural dish soap
•  10 drops tea tree essential oil
•  8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
•  8 drops cinnamon leaf essential oil

This is the recipe for our favorite nontoxic, essential oil household cleaner. You can switch out oils to create your favorite scent or to boost up on certain germ fighting qualities. This particular cleaner fights both bacteria and viruses and deters pests too. Make sure you shake well before each use and store in a cool, dark place to maintain effectiveness for the longest possible time.

For a more citrus scent, use lemon essential oil, lime essential oil, or wild orange essential oil with tea tree essential oil. For a more floral scent, combine lavender essential oil with eucalyptus essential oil. For a minty fresh scent, use peppermint essential oil with tea tree oil.

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