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Spearmint Essential Oil

Mentha spicata Basil, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rosemary and Jasmine essential oils blend well with the Essential Oil of Spearmint.

Known Uses

The presence Menthol, Myrcene and Caryophyllene in Spearmint Essential Oil is the reason it works so well as an antiseptic for wounds and ulcers, helping them to heal faster and protecting them from getting infected. It is a restorative and helps to repair any damage done to the body and aids in the recovery from injuries and wounds. It also helps people to regain strength after long bouts of illness.

The menthol content of Spearmint Essential Oil has a relaxing and cooling effect on the nerves and muscles, helping to relax contractions of spasmodic coughs, aches in the abdomen and intestines, muscle strains or cramps, nervous convulsions, and even spasmodic cholera. These relaxing attributes that induce relaxation in the intestines and abdominal muscles, help to release the gases formed in stomach and intestines. In turn, this provides relief from uneasiness, restlessness, insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, indigestion, loss of appetite, chest pain, vomiting, cramps and other related complaints. The relaxing and cooling effect on the brain helps concentration.

Spearmint Essential Oil is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral making it a disinfectant. It can help get rid of both internal and external infections. In ancient Greece, it was used to treat Scabies, Dermatitis, Athlete’s Foot, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and other infectious diseases. It can help treat asthma, congestion, can relieve fevers, excess flatulence, constipation, sinusitis, acne, gum and teeth problems, migraines, stress and depression. Being far lower in menthol content than peppermint oil, it can be safely given to children to relieve their various ailments.

Spearmint Oil promotes the secretion of estrogen, which facilitates menstruation and ensures good uterine and sexual health. It can relieve certain symptoms associated with menstruation like irregularity, obstructed menses, nausea, fatigue, and pain in the lower abdominal region. It also may delay the onset of menopause.

Spearmint Essential Oil is an effective insecticide and keeps away mosquitoes, ants, flies, and moths. It can be safely applied to the skin for protection against insect bites.


Spearmint originated from the Mediterranean region, historically in ancient Greece. The use of spearmint oil dates back to ancient times for the treatment of digestive conditions, skin problems, and headaches. It was added to baths and used to treat sexually transmitted diseases, whiten teeth, and heal mouth sores.


There are no reported dangers of using this essential oil, but since it stimulates the secretion of estrogen, pregnant women should not take it.