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Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Cinnamomum zeylanicum/Cinnamomum verum

There are two forms of Cinnamon Essential Oil, that which is made from the bark and the other made from the leaves. The bark oil is considered to be the stronger of the two.

Cinnamon Oil blends well with: Lavender, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Lemon, Orange, Ylang Ylang and, Benzoin.

Known Uses

Cinnamon Bark Oil is highly effective in aiding digestion; it is a blood sugar stabilizer and boosts circulation. It is also used to fight cardiovascular diseases and infections.

The oil has strong anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antiviral, and antiparasitic components, which makes it and extremely powerful in boosting immunity. The most valuable ingredient of Cinnamon Oil is believed to be cinnamaldehyde, which has to do with its ability to dilate blood vessels. It can help improve nitric oxide function, causing increased blood flow and it lowers inflammation. Cinnamon Oil can help keep arteries clear and free from plaque buildup. Cinnamon Bark Oil also contains antiplatelet compounds, making it beneficial to people with heart disease and/or for those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Cinnamon Oil is also a natural remedy for impotence and low libido in its ability to increase blood flow. Its capacity to expand blood vessels also makes it an excellent remedy for headache pain by diffusing or inhaling it directly.

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil has the ability to control blood sugar. For patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, it may help them to use less insulin. It aids in keeping blood sugar levels stable and curbs sugar cravings, overeating, and moodiness as well as helps to prevent chronic fatigue. You can inhale Cinnamon Essential Oil to keep food cravings away and make you feel full faster. Cinnamon Essential Oil contains eurgenol, a substance that can help reduce ulcers, the pain associated with ulcer symptoms, the number of ulcers that develop, and their intensity in terms of their ability to cause lesions in the skin or mucous membranes that fail to heal.

Cinnamon Oil is said to burn fat and is used as a valuable tool for weight loss. Fluctuating blood sugar levels precipitates overeating and weight gain, as well as low energy. With its ability to balance blood sugar levels, Cinnamon Oil can be added to all kinds of foods and drinks like tea, smoothies, fruit, oats, cereals, and baked goods. It helps slow down the rate at which glucose is distributed into the blood stream.

To treat skin conditions such as rashes, acne and infections, Cinnamon Oil can be mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the skin. It also inhibits the growth of certain harmful parasites, such as mycelial parasite growth. Cinnamon Bark Oil can be a natural home freshener and deodorizer. Combine other pleasant oil aromas with Cinnamon Bark Oil like lemon oil, orange oil, and cloves or clove oil and boil in a pot of water on the stove to release a wonderful scent into your home.


Many people consider Cinnamon to be one of the longest-existing spices in history. The cinnamon tree is an evergreen native to Vietnam and China but has been grown and cultivated in many other areas as well. Ancient Egyptians used cinnamon oil regularly and found it to be very valuable. Chinese, Indian, and other Asian medicine practitioners have used it for thousands of years to help heal everything from depression to weight gain.

Throughout history, customs have linked the spice to ‘protection and prosperity’. Tradition points to it being used in a mixture of oils by grave-robbers as protection for themselves during the 15th century plague in Europe. For years it’s also been associated with the ability to attract wealth. In Egypt, during ancient times, you were considered to be wealthy if you could buy cinnamon. Records show that the value of cinnamon might have been equivalent to gold.


Cinnamon oil is generally considered safe, but it’s possible for sensitive people to experience allergic reactions when cinnamon oil is taken internally or applied topically. This might show up as skin irritation, itching and rashes. If you ingest cinnamon oil and experience nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea, stop taking it right away. For anyone with an irregular heartbeat or other cardiovascular problems, it’s possible for cinnamon to react with medications and cause labored breathing. When taking Cinnamon Bark Oil, call your doctor immediately, if you experience digestive issures, dizziness, fatigue or headaches.

Application Methods

Aromatically: Several drops in a diffuser; sniffing it directly from the bottle or applying it to clothing

Topically: Diluted with carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil in a l:1 ratio.

Internally: Only ingest the highest quality oil from a reputable brand, organic therapeutic grade. Add a drop to water or mix it with honey or in a fruit smoothie.