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Clove Essential Oil

Eugenia caryophyllata is indigenous to the Maluku islands of Indonesia

Known Uses

Clove essential oil (CEO) is commonly used as an antiseptic for oral infections and to kill a wide variety of microbes. Due to its numbing effect, clove oil is used widely for alleviating pain associated with many dental afflictions. Clove oil can even slow tooth decay (decalcification) and help to remineralize teeth. It is also a great breath freshener with its distinctive aroma and its antimicrobial properties!

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina researchers found that clove has the greatest effect over E. coli, Staph aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacterias that can lead to pneumonia and skin infections. Due to its effectiveness in killing Staph aureus, it is useful in treating acne. Mix a few drops of clove essential oil with a small amount of honey and a couple of drops of tea tree oil to create a fabulous facial wash that is a natural remedy for acne.

CEO is considerably high in manganese (126.4%) – which is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis. That high level of manganese also makes clove essential oil helpful in treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and anemia; CEO contains a substance (eugenol) that is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Low doses of eugenol have been shown to protect the liver against ischemia/reperfusion injury (a known cause of liver disease). Eugenol reverses inflammation, and slows apoptosis (cell death). As an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal it is used in dental care to slow tooth erosion and for relieving the pain and discomfort associated with various dental disorders.

Clove essential oil has the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of any substance - 1,078,700 units (almost 3X higher than Myrrh). ORAC is a measurement of the antioxidant value in foods, molecules that reverse the destruction caused by free radicals including cancer and death to cells in the body. Its high ORAC value makes it a great antioxidant and aids in fighting and protecting against many diseases.

Clove oil can bring relief to those plagued by vomitting and nausea. It can also treat indigestion, hiccups, and excess gassiness. It can treat headaches by increasing blood circulation, therefore reducing tension. It also effectively treats respiratory ailments and sore throats as well as shores up the body against colds and flus, including sinus infections and bronchitis. It purifies and cleanses the blood and helps control blood sugar levels. It also fights fungal infections, including those found in the digestive track.

COE is an effective insect repellent. Its strong odor keeps away many bugs including the most annoying mosquito.

Its warming and spicy qualities make clove oil a perfect addition to a massage oil blend. As an aphrodisiac, clove essential oil is a powerful stress reliever. You can sit back and relax as it does amazing things for your muscles and skin as well as you emotional and mental well-being. 

In addition, the aroma and flavor of clove essential oil is very popular during the winter holiday season. It can be added to favorite recipes like pumpkin pie or gingerbread cookies, difused in your home for a delightful scent, and infused into facial scrubs, lotions and deodorants as well.  


The Chinese have used clove for more than 2,000 years as a fragrance and spice. Traditionally, it has been used to ward off bed bugs. Clove oil may have helped protect people from the Bubonic Plague during the Middle Ages. Since spreading to the international community, it has been added to numerous products for agricultural, cosmetic and industrial purposes. The greatest asset of CEO, however, is related to its widespread application in homeopathic medicine. Because it contains such an elevated level of eugenol, clove essential oil (CEO) has established itself as exceptionally resourceful. It has been comprehensively analyzed as an compelling alternative to many current medical treatments. Clove is widely used today in Chinese and Indian cultures because of its amazing flavor, aroma, and healing properties. 


The chemical eugenol found in clove essential oil can keep blood from clotting properly by slowing down the clotting process. Clove oil may negatively affect people with bleeding disorders causes them to bleed more. If you have a surgery scheduled, make sure you stop taking clove oil two weeks or more prior to that time because it could cause bleeding. It has a blood thinning effect.

Clove oil can reduce blood glucose levels, so use caution if you are diabetic.

Do not overuse clove oil orally. It can bring injury to the gums, teeth, mucous membranes, and skin.

Clove essential oil is probably unsafe for children to take by mouth. It can cause serious side effects including liver damage, seizures, and imbalances of fluids in the body.

Avoid using clove essential oil if you are pregnant or breast-feeding as there are not enough studies out there to show the effects that it may have.